To style any text in whatsapp, used its format code like *, _, ~, ''' etc. For example if you want to itelic word "Groomix" in the text "Groomix - Smart way of Living". You have to to type "_Groomix_ - Smart way of Living" and it will look as "Groomix - Smart way of Living". Remenber, don't put char after and before "format code". Format code for bold is _.
To style any text in whatsapp, used its format code like *, _, ~, ''' etc. For example if you want to itelic word "Groomix" in the text "Groomix - Smart way of Living". You have to to type "*Groomix* - Smart way of Living" and it will look as "Groomix - Smart way of Living". Remenber, don't put char after and before "format code". Format code for bold is *.
To style any text in whatsapp, used its format code like *, _, ~, ''' etc. For example if you want to Strike Through word "Groomix" in the text "Groomix - Smart way of Living". You have to to type "~Groomix~ - Smart way of Living" and it will look as "Groomix - Smart way of Living". Remenber, don't put char after and before "format code". Format code for Strike Through is ~.
To style any text in whatsapp, used its format code like *, _, ~, ''' etc. For example if you want to monospace word "Groomix" in the text "Groomix - Smart way of Living". You have to to type " '''Groomix''' '' - Smart way of Living" and it will look as "Groomix - Smart way of Living". Remenber, don't put char after and before "format code". Format code for monospace is '''.
Posted By :
Mahesh Nigam
2021-07-18 02:24
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