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Solution for IREPS error says-Fail to open WebSigner: Object doesnt support property or method open

If you are getting error messege saying "Fail to open WebSigner: Object doesn't support property or method 'open' " while filling e-tender, vendor registration or any other activities in indian railway eprocurement website This is the problem due to java software that is required to run website To resolve this error, you need to update or download and install latest version of java runtime environment (JRE) from or you can download from download button given below.
Solution for IREPS error says-Fail to open WebSigner: Object doesnt support property or method open
IREPS error Object doesnt support property or method open
1) Download and install this in your computer- JRE 8 (32bit).exe Download

You must follow these steps

  1. Only install 32 bit (x86) version JRE java software.
  2. If window ask you for upgrade to 64bit version, just un-check or deny it to install and you keep installing 32 bit (x86) version
  3. After installation is completed. For windows 7 go to control panel > and select "view by : small icons" and then right click on "Java" and then click on "Open". For windows 10, press window button from keyboad and search "java" and on search results right click on "Java" and then click on "Open"
You must follow these steps
Java setting in widows 7 and windows 10

4. on the opened "java control panel" click on the "Security" option at the top bar and then click on the "ADD" button and paste or type these website addresses 1) 2) and press "ok" button.

5. After doing this, close internet explorer 11 completely and then retart it.

Java control panel

...and your problem got resolved

If you have still any problems or issues on IREPS, feel free to ask us on comment below. We will try our best to resolve your problem as soon as possible 

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Posted By :
Mahesh Nigam
2019-10-25 18:56
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vivek: still facing the same issue..

Reply 15:52 2019-11-06

Admin: Please provide me your browser name and its version, computer operating system name and its version. Also provide me website page link and error message, so that i can know your exact issue and then I will find it's solution...

Reply 13:15 2019-11-08

Ankit Jhunjhunwala: Still facing the same issue. Kindly provide solution.

Reply 12:40 2020-04-24

Manisha: I also facing same error

Reply 21:37 2021-04-17

kanchan barve: I am getting an error on "Failed to open WebSigner: is not a function" for IREPS site . i have 64 bit java, IE 11 still facing an issue.can i get solution AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

Reply 15:20 2019-11-14

Admin: Reason of your problem is that, you installed "java 64bit" but IREPS website only support "java 32bit" regardless of your window operating system is 32bit or 64bit. Solution is simple, just download "Download and install this in your computer- JRE 8 (32bit)" by clicking on "download" button given above on this page. And after complete installation, shutdown your system and Turn On..... Your problem will resolved

Reply 03:53 2019-11-16

kittu: thanks for ur Hepling problem resolved

Reply 23:28 2021-07-20

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Its my pleasure... Keep doing... keep progressing... best of luck

Reply 12:28 2021-07-21

surya: i have done all this things but having same problem

Reply 20:23 2019-11-28

Admin: If you are still facing problem then list me your system specifications like browser, window and java...

Reply 11:53 2019-12-01

sumit : facing same issue again after done all this things

Reply 18:08 2019-11-30

Admin: If you are still facing problem then list me your system specifications like browser, window and java...

Reply 11:53 2019-12-01

PRAVEEN SHARMA: Sir , I try everything as you guide , but still now same result failed to open websigner Object doesnt support property or method open kindly help me to come out from this issue, If you agree I will share my system with you on team viewer,

Reply 19:11 2019-12-09

Admin: if you have still facing problem, then list me all software that you are using...

Reply 19:39 2019-12-18

shaik ammaar: my system is windows 11, iam using same issue

Reply 18:14 2023-10-17

gurleen kaur: i have done everything, tried everything that has been told by you and/or by the website an it is still not working. The same issue is arising all the time no matter what changes I make. Please help it is really urgent I have my tenders pending... thankyou p.s.-I have windows 10(4 gb RAM, 64-bit, core i5)

Reply 16:42 2019-12-10

Admin: Your system is fully compatible, if your are facing this problem then its means problem is in browser and/or java software. it is recommend you to download fresh internet explorer 11 and 32bit java and install it. then re-start your system and try... hope your problem will be resolved...

Reply 19:43 2019-12-18

Abhiram A: Sir , I try everything as you guide , but still now same result failed to open websigner Object doesnt support property or method open kindly help me to come out from this issue, If you agree I will share my system with you on team viewer, DSC is OK

Reply 17:56 2019-12-23

Vikas: HI..when i try to login with new DSC it shows "please sign with your own certificate" please resolve it

Reply 11:23 2020-01-08

Admin: Which company's DSC you are using?

Reply 19:00 2020-01-09

Vikas: I have done all the settings but problem still exists

Reply 18:04 2020-01-15

Admin: First of all you need to understand what is actually causing error... Then find it's solution...

Reply 20:07 2020-01-15

Janaki: Hi Mahesh, I have followed you steps for sign in but still problem did not get resolved. Can you please help?

Reply 19:06 2020-01-16

Admin: Yes, Janaki, tell me what resources are you using for sign in? Which company's DSC you are using, also remember that is working only on browser "INTERNET EXPLORER 11 or above version.

Reply 16:33 2020-01-23

Bhragudev: I am also facing the problem while signing class 3 digital signature for railwayusing crome

Reply 05:52 2020-01-18

Admin: Chrome does not support IREPS DSC interface. Please use "internet explorer 11 or above

Reply 16:34 2020-01-23

Dharmesh: Earlier my ireps was working fine then installed java updates then it stop working. Now java & Internet explorer 11 uninstalled, Again installed fresh java 32 bit from above link and Internet explorer 11, but still probelm persits. can u tell me how to solve this now.

Reply 16:44 2020-02-10

Thangaraj: i have IE11 i will select the option initiate registration request and i have no the proceed button.kindly help this

Reply 13:34 2020-02-25

Admin: If "proceed" Button is not there, then it's means page is not load completely. It may be due to slow internet or due to hanging of IE. try again, after getting good internet speed or after restarting you computer. It may also due to google cache page, be sure that in address bar of IE is < >

Reply 21:06 2020-02-25

Anoop Kapoor: my operating system is window 10 64 bit...still the problem persist despite following all your instructions...please i have to switch to 32 bit

Reply 23:20 2020-02-29

Admin: You don't need to switch to 32 bit version... i am also using IREPS on windows 10 64-bit using browser IE 11. if your are getting problem in using ireps website. It means you are missing something... go through this page and you will resolve it, easy. if still not resolve? then see this also

Reply 22:39 2020-03-02

Mahendra: The reason for your problem is that you installed "java 64bit" but the IREPS website only supports "java 32bit" regardless of your window operating system is 32bit or 64bit. The solution is simple, just download "Download and install this in your computer- JRE 8 (32bit)" by clicking on the "download" button given above on this page. And after complete installation, shut down your system and Turn On..... Your problem will resolved.

Reply 00:58 2021-07-19

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): @Mahendra: Thank you so much for you enhance support... we are expecting for supports from you in future also...

Reply 02:01 2021-07-20

Admin: If anyone knows others queries, Please reply them your knowledge experience. So that we can help each other, better.

Reply 23:11 2020-03-04

Arif: How to change the Name of company from pvt.Ltd To Limited in Class-3 DSC on IREPS? Already registered with PVT.LTD on IREPS,Now have to change to Limited from PVT.LTD. Whats the procedure?

Reply 16:24 2020-04-20

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Name of firm in "ireps" Website can't be change/update. Name of firm is automatically picked by "ireps" from DSC at time of registration. So, if you want to change name of firm on "ireps", you have to re-register a new account on it. In your case, you should change DSC name from DSC provider or if you want name which is in your DSC, you have to register new account using current DSC. hope this will resolve you problem

Reply 17:48 2020-04-20

Arif: Yes,We are using to login with old DSC of Pvt. Ltd till now.... We made new DSC for Limited company and did new registration... But it was rejected... Saying firm already exists.. Now How to do.. Pls reply...

Reply 18:43 2020-04-20

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Try these link: Link to change DSC And Link to Update DSC

Reply 13:48 2020-04-21

Saurabh Verma: problem resolved . Great job

Reply 18:58 2020-04-22

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): That's great... Keep growing☝

Reply 19:07 2020-04-22

rushabh : Failed to open WebSigner: is not a function,hat should i do now ?

Reply 19:57 2020-04-22

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Follow above instructions and get resolve your problem. Also follow throughout this this page.

Reply 20:15 2020-04-22

Ankit Jhunjhunwala: After doing the above solution getting the same error again and again. Please provide immediate solution

Reply 09:40 2020-04-24

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Which browser window and java you are using?

Reply 10:27 2020-04-24

Mahendra: Use Internet Explorer only. The reason for your problem is that you installed "java 64bit" but the IREPS website only supports "java 32bit" regardless of your window operating system is 32bit or 64bit. The solution is simple, just download "Download and install this in your computer- JRE 8 (32bit)" by clicking on the "download" button given above on this page. And after complete installation, shut down your system and Turn On(i.e-Restart )..... Your problem will resolved.

Reply 01:01 2021-07-19

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Great work... Thanks

Reply 02:01 2021-07-20

Ankit Jhunjhunwala: After the solution provided I am getting the same error again and again. What should I do next?

Reply 12:39 2020-04-24

Satya: I have done all process as mentioned, but still same error.

Reply 22:15 2020-05-19

Admin: Go through above solution, i think you are missing something. Or send mein your configurations and exact problem.

Reply 22:50 2020-05-19

Anand Gajapathi Raju: After doing all the steps still same problem is repeating , please suggest the solution for this

Reply 09:59 2020-05-20

Admin: Go through above solution, i think you are missing something. Or send mein your configurations and exact problem.

Reply 16:38 2020-05-20

Raghvendra Shukla: I use above suggested settings but showing same error... Please arrange to resolve issue n help in DSC configuration with IREPS ...I am ready to pay for that please .

Reply 16:58 2020-05-30

Admin: Type your exact problem, full details

Reply 19:24 2020-05-30

atul verma: still not working

Reply 22:45 2020-06-08

dharmendra: Use Internet Explorer above 8 version

Reply 12:32 2020-06-11

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): You have to used internet Explorer 11 or above version

Reply 16:59 2020-06-12

amrit raj: not solved, same problem

Reply 13:38 2020-06-11

MD NAUSHAD KHAN: i am still problem so what will i do?

Reply 01:29 2020-06-17

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): I can help you only if specify exact problem with your system configurations.

Reply 02:23 2020-06-17

RAVVA RAMESH: I am trying to register as a new vendor. I am inserting Digital Signing Certificate token in USB drive and when I click on proceed. One window CRIS is opening, but my certificate is not visible in that window. How to resove it. Please help.

Reply 21:03 2020-07-20

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): This may be cause due to many reasons, firstly you have to tell me your system configurations, browsers and java installations...

Reply 23:59 2020-07-20

Pihu: Still not working after doing this

Reply 21:44 2020-07-21

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): This may be due to many reasons, firstly you have to tell me your system configurations, browsers and java installations...

Reply 23:58 2020-07-21

S.K. YADAV: Sir, I have downloaded java as u have directed and did everything but issue was not solved still I am unable to log in ireps.

Reply 12:28 2020-07-23

Admin: If you do every thing as written above, it will surely resolve your problem. Read carefully... Only 32bit java is supported

Reply 13:40 2020-07-23

nitish jain: i have done all step..i m using 32 bit comp, int explorer 11 and java8-261

Reply 15:05 2020-07-29

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Please, user internet explorer 11 or above with 32bit and install java 32bit version only

Reply 15:43 2020-08-04

sk babu: hello sir my problem is ireps web site open. show message .Failed to open web signer : object doesn't support property or method open my system .windows 7 ultimate,explore 11,system type 32 bit

Reply 15:21 2020-07-31

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Download java JE 32bit only and unstall and re-install 32bit java.... and follow all above instructions

Reply 15:45 2020-08-04

Lalit Jain: java problem not solved

Reply 21:34 2020-08-05

Lalit Jain: java problem not solved

Reply 21:34 2020-08-05

Warfra: Still facing the same problem "failed to open web Signer object doesn't support property or method", I'm using IE11 , java 32 bit tried everything what to do

Reply 20:29 2020-08-06

SB_NB: I am trying to register on IE 11 with 32 bit JAVA but still facing the same issue. Please help me resolve. I also downloaded both on a fresh computer and tried and also followed all system set up instructions on user manual.

Reply 16:30 2020-08-08

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): If you will through all steps, carefully it will resolve your problem 100%. If you still have problem means you are missing any step

Reply 19:47 2020-08-16

Akash Kumar Singh: I still facing same problems on ireps website

Reply 13:03 2020-08-10

Akash Kumar Singh: I still facing same problems

Reply 13:03 2020-08-10

Dinesh Dangar: I still facing same problems on ireps website.

Reply 16:10 2020-08-14

Dinesh Dangar: I have done this setting and it is successful.

Reply 17:43 2020-08-16

SUSANTA KUMAR SAHU: Sir after follow all step it show failed to open web signer

Reply 15:32 2020-08-29

Admin: Tell me your configurations details

Reply 15:55 2020-08-29

SUSANTA KUMAR SAHU: Sir i dont undarstand Sir i want to contact to you through call

Reply 17:51 2020-08-29

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): I am out of station, may be available after 2nd September 2020

Reply 17:57 2020-08-29

lavanya : When I try sign in digital signature it show failed or cancelled

Reply 11:48 2020-09-02

Shankar: Hi.. I am using IE 11 Ver 11.1016, Java SE Runtime Ver 8u221 (Windows x86 Offline), my computer is 64 bit. Earlier I was able to login into IREPS site using my digital signature, now it is not allowing. After login into the IREPS using credentials, it doesn't display my name for Certificate selection, however it displays empty box(CRIS) for selection. I have tried various Java versions, however still the issue exists. Can anyone please help me.

Reply 01:27 2020-09-03

Manikandaraj: Same issue here.

Reply 23:33 2020-09-28

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Its not the problem of java or odf your browser. if certificates is not showing in list it means your certificate software is not running. try to resolve DCS certificate software and try again. it will resolve your problem

Reply 01:23 2020-09-29

Shankar: Thanks. Cracked the issue, made the IE to Run as Administrator, problem got solved.

Reply 12:21 2020-09-30


Reply 12:25 2020-10-03

AKASH SINGH: still not woking

Reply 12:25 2020-10-03

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Follow above instructions and open internet Explorer as an administrator... Your prblm will be solved

Reply 12:29 2020-10-03

rajat: sir still facing problem

Reply 16:33 2020-10-16

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): what are your system configurations?

Reply 01:28 2020-10-17

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Hello... IREPS users, howis everything going?

Reply 04:47 2020-10-30


Reply 17:44 2020-11-02

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): where you are getting this problem?

Reply 00:32 2020-11-03

manthan: if i click on proceed its shown :- failed to open web-signer : object dosent support property or method open

Reply 11:37 2020-11-03

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): About steps are the best solution but if your problem is not resolving by this. Then let me find other solutions, if any and I will post it here.

Reply 14:45 2020-11-11

abhi: sir but i have completed and added the two sites that you are mentioned but its showing same as first. please help me sir

Reply 12:54 2020-11-05

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): What error you are exactly getting and when?

Reply 14:41 2020-11-11

alok: Still facing the same issue. Kindly provide solution

Reply 13:25 2020-12-01

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): What error you are exactly getting and when?

Reply 04:49 2020-12-05

alok: Still facing the same issue. Kindly provide solution

Reply 13:26 2020-12-01

KRISHAN KR GUPTA: hi after following above then also its showing failed to open Websigner , obejct doesnt support property

Reply 15:08 2020-12-23

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): remove all related software and re-install it again and they try again... sometimes, this resolves that problem.

Reply 23:24 2020-12-25

KRISHAN KR GUPTA: kindly help as its last date to fill my tender

Reply 15:09 2020-12-23

Ranjit: I am still getting the same problem. "Failed to open Websigner: Object doesn't support property or method 'open'. error on IREPS portal ". I have followed all the above steps. Running IE 11 as Admin on Windows 10

Reply 14:29 2020-12-24

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): remove all related software and re-install it again and they try again... sometimes, this resolves that problem.

Reply 23:25 2020-12-25

Jujjin Martin: I've done as per the guidance and now when tried to attach the Digital Signature the certificate is blank.

Reply 00:02 2021-01-09

aditya agarwal: still facing same problem in this

Reply 14:47 2021-01-12

Dinesh: Getting the same issue after recommended settings sir please help me out

Reply 16:49 2021-01-23

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): See this post page and if still getting problem, feel free to ask here

Reply 08:34 2021-05-07

Mayadhar: Failed to open WebSigner: is not a function

Reply 16:07 2021-01-31

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): See this post page and if still getting problem, feel free to ask here

Reply 08:31 2021-05-07

Gaurav Goyal: I have made a new dsc class-3 for ireps. But I am unable to update, they are saying that there are 2 policies in your certificate. When I contacted dsc maker they are saying key is valid. Can you please advise.

Reply 20:13 2021-02-04

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Sorry, I don't know what is the meaning of "2 policies"

Reply 21:17 2021-02-04

Nageswara: Hi, i am also getting the same issue, is your issue cleared?

Reply 09:47 2021-02-24

Shubham: failed to open websigner object doesn't support property or method 'open' ireps

Reply 00:39 2021-02-20

shrinath chauhan: please guide token name and expired date not shows

Reply 18:17 2021-03-08

tanmoy das: After the all procedure now showing authentication failed while i m trying to log in

Reply 17:06 2021-03-17

tanmoy das: after the all procedure now showing authentication failed while i m trying to log in

Reply 17:07 2021-03-17

raju: still we are getting same problem

Reply 19:36 2021-03-23

sanjeet yadav: i have update java and done all setting but problem is not reslove .. when login in e tender and attached digitel signator .. masage from web page faild to open

Reply 15:33 2021-04-17

Praveen: Still I have the issue

Reply 13:16 2021-05-02

Vishal Tripathi: Thank you sir it worked. For those who are still having trouble after downloading 32 bit java version, do uninstall the 64 bit version of java and restart your system in order to use 32 bit version. Then it will work. Thanks.

Reply 02:02 2021-05-05

Admin: Great job... All the best

Reply 06:56 2021-05-05

NARENDRA RANA: Hi I have one query when we are logging in, first Test activities i.e. Applet Loading status showing failed. one pop up window comes showing error " Failed to open AppletLoader: Object dosen't support property or method 'vercheck' How do it get resolve, pls suggest

Reply 10:48 2021-05-12

vbs : Thanks , I got the solution

Reply 18:04 2021-05-31

Pradeepkumar Varma: After completing this steps still we are facing the same issue. So what we can do for this?

Reply 14:04 2021-06-11

Admin: Please, tell us what you did and what are your system configurations and browser?

Reply 13:03 2021-06-12

Manoj: Not resolved

Reply 23:32 2021-06-13

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Please, tell us what you did and what are your system configurations and browser?

Reply 03:20 2021-06-14

Abhijit: In ireps login My Dsc is not showing in websigner.. I have installed updated java version. My system is Windows 7 32 bit and IE is 11.. The dsc setup is also installed successfully.. Pls suggest This is really urgent

Reply 22:20 2021-07-03

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Have you follow every steps guided in this page, like point 4?

Reply 17:09 2021-07-04

Abhijit: Yes Sir I have done this too..."4. on the opened "java control panel" click on the "Security" option at the top bar and then click on the "ADD" button and paste or type these website addresses 1)" The DSC is not showing in the signer.. I don't know why..

Reply 22:22 2021-07-04

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): then try to re-install both Java 32bit and IE 11 after complete installation

Reply 02:41 2021-07-07

RAMANJANEYS REDDY: SIR I HAVE ONE PROBLEM .WHEN I UPDATE MY DECLARATION REGARDING APPLICABILITY OF GST E INVOICING PROVISIONS I GOT ONE ERROR.i.e,failed to open pdf signer,object does not support property or method open.pls give the solution.

Reply 21:08 2021-07-05

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Its a same problem as mention in this page, go thoroughly and you will resolve your problem. otherwise tell me the satge where you are getting this error

Reply 02:39 2021-07-07

RAM: sir what is the solution for failed to open pdf signer .not web signer pls give the solution

Reply 22:28 2021-07-16

B Nageswara Rao: websingerservice is not a function

Reply 18:47 2021-07-20

B Nageswara Rao: is not a function

Reply 18:49 2021-07-20

B Nageswara Rao: is not a function

Reply 18:50 2021-07-20


Reply 20:49 2021-09-15

P S Enterprise prabhjot singh: when click at finacia;l tabulation i cnt see the view open

Reply 13:26 2021-10-26

ROY: I followed all steps.... In IE11 browser IREPS UMD opening but page is not displaying properly... In Google Chrome IREPS UDM is not at all opening... Error: Failed to open Cris-Signer on your Computer... My system has OS : Windows 10 64-bits

Reply 15:50 2021-11-15

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): un-install IE, JAVA and re-install it after restarting your PC... be careful on selecting prompt option asking while installing software.... if you follow above steps, it will surely resolved your problem

Reply 22:19 2021-12-04

Nitin Verma: I did every thing written by you and also did the setting on internet options at internet explorer instructed by ireps customer care but it's not working , can anyone come online and resolve the problem thru anydesk remote computer ? My no is 8104215300

Reply 17:22 2021-12-05

Avinav Verma: I did every thing written by you and also did the setting on internet options at internet explorer instructed by ireps customer care but it's not working , can anyone come online and resolve the problem thru anydesk remote computer ? My no is 8104215300

Reply 17:23 2021-12-05

Anup: I am facing the problem on IREPS..... "Failed to open WebSigner on your Computer" . already checked Java...its 32bit and latest version

Reply 16:10 2021-12-11

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): check other requirement too

Reply 16:39 2022-07-14

Joshi: No DSC token drivers are found installed in this machine. What is the problem in my system. Pls solve it.

Reply 17:51 2022-02-17

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): do you able to access you DSC on your window? if yes, then try to re-install java and configure your IE11 for DSC

Reply 16:40 2022-07-14

rajesh: hi i am facing says failed to open is not a function os: windows 10 browger: edge

Reply 13:04 2022-05-16

Virendra Giri: after doing att the things u suggested still I m not able tp log in

Reply 09:56 2022-06-08

Askib Engineers Pvt. Ltd.: We are using ie11 for ireps site the signer download the icon appeared in the desktop, run as administrator but failed also press control +F5 but no result found, the java version is jre-8u341-windows-i586-iftw

Reply 15:26 2022-07-27

kalyan: after installing java also while opening we are getting failed to open websigner whats the issue can u text us

Reply 17:10 2022-09-23

Ashwin: IREPS was working fine, suddenly the web-signer error has started.

Reply 08:36 2022-11-02

imdadul: i do the same process as you said, but still showing that msg Failed to open WebSigner on your Computer. windows 10, 64bit IE- 10

Reply 12:17 2022-11-03

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Sorry to here this, but I think you should go through same process carefully after installing all required software.

Reply 10:33 2023-06-23

BABU LAL GENA: I have tried above steps but the problem still not solved

Reply 08:02 2022-11-28

Prosenjit Ghosh: I am using IE-8.1 and downloaded Java JRE 8 update 351 but the problem exist.

Reply 17:42 2022-11-29

JOHN: I am facing the problem on IREPS..... "Failed to open WebSigner on your Computer" . already checked Java...its 32bit and latest version

Reply 16:50 2023-01-14

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): You can install fresh IE browser, java 32bit and some settings as given on instructions

Reply 17:41 2023-01-18

CHAKINALA RAKESH: In IREPS, PDF signing and Data signing and Encryption testing is failed every time. May I know the what could be the reason..? Applet loading (JAVA) installation is only successful showing every time. Is the remaining 2 options are necessary to pass the test to log in into UDM-IREPS..? Only java installation is enough to log in..?

Reply 20:02 2023-01-28


Reply 09:45 2023-02-04

MAYURI K: now IE not working, how to solve failed to open web signer error in the edge pls help i have done all settings but still facing same issue.

Reply 14:45 2023-03-10

MAYURI K: I am facing the problem on IREPS..... "Failed to open Web Signer on your Computer" ....its 32bit and latest version

Reply 14:48 2023-03-10

Jatin Patodia: I am facing the problem on IREPS.....after login tender tabulation function keys does not working please solve problem

Reply 14:05 2023-04-04

Naresh Gohil: In my computer, the IRPS signer is working properly, but sometimes it continues to show progress and the ireps signer shows a message saying "org.java_websocket.WebSocketImpl@XXXXXXXXX are disconnected from the server.". When I reload or press F5, the problem is solved. Kindly suggest me permanent solution. I am using microsoft edge. Thanks

Reply 12:28 2023-06-30

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): This issue might be due to internet connection. Have you tried it on any other network other then what you are using?

Reply 21:32 2023-07-03

SHAIK AMMAAR: failed to open websigner in your computer,is coming in windows 11

Reply 10:50 2023-10-23

Shishupal Singh Raghuvanshi : Problem is not sorted out.

Reply 23:00 2024-03-11

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