Artificial Intelligent Fire Protection System(GSM Based)
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM is basedGSM communication system, on temperature sensing IC (eg LM35), Light sensing sensor i.e. LDR ( Light dependent resistor), smoke sensor, AVR microcontroller (eg. ATMEGA8) and some other important component like 16x1 LCD, transistors etc. As everything is becoming automatic and more easy to use, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM is designed to control any type of fire in any field like in offices, banks, industries etc…
In ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM, we are using LM35 IC to sense ambient temperature and this analog output from LM35 is converted to digital data using AVR A/D converter… after processing this data, corresponding output is used to show current temperature on display device like 16x2 LCD and it also send sms to a given mobile number when temperature is very high. Similarly, this system has smoke and light sensor which senses their environment and send status to display as well as to send sms to a given mobile number using GSM communication system, if any smoke or high light is detects. This way ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM gives complete protection to the system…
Artificial Intelligent Fire Protection System(GSM Based) 2016-07-16_09_19_32
Block Diagram :
MICROCONTROLLER: It takes input and after processing it gives required output.
SMOKE SENSOR: smoke sensor is mounted at the place air is passes out. This sensor senses the smoke present in the air and send signal to the microntroller…
LIGHT SENSOR: In light sensor, LDR is used to sense intensity of light and send its value to the microntroller…
TRANSFORMER: Here step-down transformer is used to power electronics circuits.
GSM MODULE: Gsm module is use to communicate with electricity distribution department. It will send SMS to the department whenever there will be any problem….
TEMPERATURE SENSOR BLOCK: The temperature sensed by using LM 35. The output voltage of LM 35 varies in liner proportion with the temperature. The sensitivity of LM 35 is 10 mV/0C. For 1 0C output of LM35 is 10 mV. For 10 0C output of LM35 is 100 mV.
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