Digital Thermometer(using lm35 and Atmega8 microcontroller)
The LM35 of National Semiconductors that is used in this project is a precision centigrade temperature sensor, which has an analog output voltage. It has a range of -55ºC to +150ºC and a accuracy of ±0.5ºC . The output voltage is 10mV/ºC . The output voltage is converted by the AD convertor of the ATMega8. The temperature is displayed on an LCD module. In this example the thermometer has a range of 0ºC to 40ºC and a resolution of 0.5ºC.
ATmega8 is a 8-bit avr famility microcontroller. It has in-built ADC and has many supporting component in it. Its speed is very high, we have used 12Mhz crystal.
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