Engineering Project Ideas: views : 2624

Conveyor Belt Powered By Solar Panel

As the conventional energy sources are depleting day by day, it is very essential to search for an alternative energy sources. With this an attempt has been made to develop a belt conveyor which is operated by a Solar power. The system is also equipped with electrical motor which works in the absence of Solar power. Now a day’s belt conveyors are playing a key role in materia handling applications, they are used to carry materials from one place to another. Based upon the size and nature of material, different conveyors are being used After Solar Energy Wind Energy is the most prominently using alternative sources of energy, which is also an indirect form of solar energy. By make use of naturally available wind currents one can generate power or it can be used as a prime mover for a specified application. In this project it is proposed to design a belt conveyor which is used to carry chips packets in a food processing industry. Based upon the distance between source and destination and weight of the product to be shifted, components like conveyor rollers, bearings and length of the belt etc. are to be designed by considering all kinds of necessary assumptions. After estimating the speed of the conveyor, a suitable wind turbine is to be designed to operate the belt conveyor with required speed. Suitable gearing
Conveyor Belt Powered By Solar Panel



We use track belt to construct belt conveyor (42mm).And we use track wheels to rotate the belt in a loop circuit .And we fix motor of 100rpm to rotate track wheels .The motor is connected to the battery ,and there will be switch placing between the motor and battery .The belt conveyor is to transfer the light weight things from one place to another. A belt conveyor is rubber or textile structure with a belt shape closed ring, with a vulcanized or metallic joint, used for material transportation. Belt conveyors are the most used for transport of solid objects and bulk materials at great speed, covering great distances (up to 30 km).A conveyor belt is carrying medium of belt conveyor system (often shortened to belt conveyor). A belt conveyor is one of the many types of the conveyor systems. A belt conveyor consists of two or more pulleys (sometimes referred as to drums) with an endless loop of carrying medium –the conveyor belt- that rotates about them .One or both of the pulleys are powered, moving the belt and the material on the belt forward.



The motor converts the electrical energy into mechanical energy .The motor we used here is 100rpm.That means if vanes rotates 1000 times here the motor will rotate 100 times. A DC motor is a motor that uses direct electrical current (DC) as the source of its energy. An AC motor is a motor that uses alternating electrical current (AC) as the source of its energy. AC current is the type of electricity provided by household wall outlets. DC current is the type of electricity provided by batteries.



Solar Cell Types

Several types of solar cells have been developed with the aims of reducing costs and improving efficiencies.

  • C rystalline Silicon Solar Cells

Benefiting from the manufacturing experience of the semiconductor industry, crystalline silicon is the leading solar cell material, though still relatively expensive. Monocrystalline cells are cut from single crystals of high purity electronics grade silicon. These cells are about 25 percent efficient at best. Using the easier to manufacture polycrystalline silicon cut from from a block of crystals or less pure, so called "solar grade" silicon, efficiencies may be only about 15% or 16% due to the effect of grain boundaries or impurities but they cost a fraction of single crystal electronics grade cells.

  • Amorphou s Silicon Solar Cells

Amorphous Silicon has been employed for many years in the manufacture the solar cells used for powering electronic calculators and watches and promises the possibility of low cost, higher power cells. Amorphous material appears like a solid but has no regular crystal lattice structure. Glass is an example of such materials. The presence of controlled quantities of certain "impurity" elements such as hydrogen and the random crystal lattice formation actually enhance the otherwise very low conversion efficiency. Typical cell efficiencies range from 5% to 10%.

Manufacturing yield is still a problem and the cells suffer from degradation when exposed to the sun.

  • Thin Film Silicon Solar Cells

Thin film cells are made by depositing the active photovoltaic material, such as amorphous silicon or other semiconductor onto a glass or other substrate together with the necessary current collecting contacts. The cell construction is much less costly than using semiconductor wafers and the manufacturing process is also simpler as well as being suitable for making cells with a much larger area and hence current carrying capability. Efficiencies of 11% to 14% have been achieved with this construction.

PV systems on flexible polymer substrates have also been made using Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS) active material with efficiencies of 10%.

  • Organic PV Solar Cells

Intensive research is being carried out by various teams on the use of organic semiconductors in the construction of PV cells. Devices can be fabricated by means of a printing process from single or double layer organic polymer films sandwiched between a pair of electrodes. Manufacturing does not involve the high energy consumption associated with crystalline semi conductors and brings the possibility of high volume, low cost products printed onto flexible films. Currently, conversion efficiencies are rather low at around 12% but this is expected to improve.


  • Multi Layer (Tandem) Solar Cells

Better conversion efficiencies are possible by using multiple layers of differing semiconductor materials, optimised for different wavelengths, in a single device. This can raise the theoretical efficiency limit, currently about 30% for a single junction device, to about 45% for a three junction cell.

Efficiencies of over 33% have already been achieved in practical devices.

  • Exotic Materials

Materials such as Gallium Arsenide, Copper Indium Diselenide, Cadmium Telluride and Indium Nitride have been employed to provide particular characteristics to optimise solar cells for specific applications.

Gallium Arsenide is used for military and aerospace applications in a variety of cells in combination with other elements because of it's suitability for capturing high energy photons (ultra violet radiation), high potential conversion efficiency and its ability to withstand high temperatures. It is however more difficult to manufacture and cells using Gallium Arsenide can be 100 times more expensive than commercial silicon based cells.

Copper Indium Diselenide and Cadmium Telluride are used in polycrystalline form in low cost thin film cells because of their ease of manufacture and reasonable yields. Efficiencies are however low ranging from 8% to 14%

Indium Nitride is suitable for capturing low energy photons (infra red radiation) making it suitable for full spectrum devices when used in tandem solar cells in combination with other materials such as Gallium Arsenide which capture the high energy photons.

  • Electrochemica l Solar Cells - Dye Sensitised Solar Cells (DSSC or Grätzel Cells)

Relatively new, these cells are low cost devices which use dye sensitised Titanium dioxide in combination with a liquid electrolyte to generate the current. Up to now they are only available in small sizes with efficiencies between 7% and 10%


  1.  Sola r energy doesn’t pollute the air like power plants that rely on combustion of fossil fuels.
  2.  Solar doesn’t produce atmospheric emissions that causes acid rain or green house gases.
  3.  The Solar is free with modern technology it can be captured efficiently.
  4.  Economic benefits, it is one of the lowest priced renewable energy technologies available today.
  5. This greatly benefits the economy in Industrial areas.
  6. Eco friendly
  7. Easy handling.
  8. More efficient.
  9. Less effort more power
  10. Save of power.
  11. Very cheap
  12. It is a limit less resource
  13. Energy generated without polluting environment
  14. The power generated produced can be harnessed to send power across the gird.


  1. It can be used for any moving automation
  2. In material management system
  3. For lifting heavy objects
  4. Also for human locomotion
  5. For transportations
  6. Can be implanted at shopping mall

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Posted By :
Mahesh Nigam
2019-09-27 17:13
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