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ireps helpdesk contact phone number and email details

Here is the list of contact details for indian railway e-procurement system (IREPS). This contact details is very helpful when your are facing problem related to e-tendering in website. You can use this helpdesk contact details for resolving problem like EMD, refund of tendering fees, website issues, DSC usage help etc
ireps helpdesk contact phone number and email details
indian railway tendering system

IREPS Helpdesk details

Call supports

      - Phone Number: 011-23761525 (10 Lines)
      - Timings: 08.00 AM to 07.00 PM
      - Closed on Sundays and Gazetted Holidays.


Payment related queries

- For SBI Netbanking

  • Phone Number: 022-27566066, 022-27566067, 022-27560137 and 022-27566501
  • E-mail:

- For SBIePay

  • Telephone Number: 022-27523618 (Timings: 24x7x365)
  • E-mail:


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Posted By :
Mahesh Nigam
2020-03-13 02:53
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Vijay Kumar Shriwastva: sir, I, vijay shriwastva from M/s Omni Power Systems, Nagpur. Sir i am from Nagpur. And have just now made my new DSC for Indian Railway Tender purpose. Now i am trying to get in touch with IREPS person from last 5-6 days to update my new DSC, because i am already registered with IREPS previously. But nobody is picking up my call. and i have to urgently quote the works tender at Nagpur SECR office. So kindly suggest me how to solve my problem. Pls take it urgent.

Reply 17:57 2020-04-18

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Mr. Vijay, I read your issue. May IREPS help desk will not pick your call due to lockdown for corona. But to update DSC, you can change it by yourself. I already write a steps to change "DSC on" Click here to read If still you getting problem, feel free to ask us, we will find some other option for you

Reply 18:27 2020-04-18

ankush chauhan: sir, I, am ankush chauhan from M/s sis corporation. Sir i am from gurgaon. i am finding difficulty while doing mobile no. verification last time the software update for mobile number verification last date was dec 2019 but that time i was unable to update due to some personal reasons. Now i am trying to get in touch with IREPS person from last 15 days to get help regarding update of my mobile no verification process because i am already registered with IREPS previously. But nobody is picking up my call. and i have to urgently quote the works tender at delhi office. So kindly suggest me how to solve my problem. Pls take it urgent.

Reply 14:26 2020-04-20

Hemant Pawaskar: Hemant Pawaskar

Reply 19:10 2020-05-04

Hemant Pawaskar: Dear Sir, After login I am unable to download LOA/CONTRACT on IREPS Goods & Services . Received no.of contracts/LOA (more than 12 nos) in last 02 days but only one doc.out of these 12 is not opening whereas others are opened and downloaded. Due to non-opening of 01 document I cannot sign & submit all other contract/ LOA (s). Called no.of times to HELP DESK but no one picking phone only record message as "all our executives are busy ... " . As I am working in Diagnostics Co. process of these LOA(s) are very imp. Kindly give ur valuable time & help me in this case. Also, give me e.mail id of IREPS support desk as it is not mentioned under HELP DESK Menu only 02 e.mail ids are mentioned which is regarding SBI payment related. Awaiting your valuable reply which will enable me to process further.

Reply 19:25 2020-05-04

Admin: Try to download files again, your problem of not able to open doc may be due to uncomplete downloading. Also tell me what error you are getting when Opening these files. There is email address other then what a have mentioned above in my knowledge.

Reply 20:07 2020-05-04

Anil I : IDSIGN is one of the licensed Certifying Authority like eMudhra, ncode etc but their DSCs are not working. Send mails to help desk but no reply.calls are also advise

Reply 19:00 2021-02-19

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): what error actually showing while your DSC?

Reply 02:06 2021-04-14

Pavithra Rajesh: I want to knw the process to generate pay order..its showing as it requires sign nd it later does not support websign

Reply 18:57 2020-05-18

srinand: Your request for DSC change has been rejected. Reason for rejection - FIRM NAME MISMATCH IN YOUR CERTIFICATEIREPS REGISTRED FIRM NAME-PADMASREE COMPUTERS AND SERVICESFIRM NAME IN YOUR CERTIFICATE-PADMASREE COPMPUTERS But in certificate is below Certificate CN:SRINAND DAMERA Organization Name(O):PADMASREE COPMPUTERS & SERVICES Issuer(CN):Capricorn CA 2014 Expired Date:04-02-2023 SN:02 FC AD 21 Key Usage:Key Exchange

Reply 17:09 2020-05-27

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Your DSC name and firm name must exactly match character by character... because it is been matches automatically by the software

Reply 02:08 2021-04-14

SAHARUL AMIN BARBHUIYA: After submitting the vendor Registration with DSCA, I received submission confirmation and again got vendor Registration rejected due to Name already exist. I was doing first time and I want help for the same.

Reply 23:05 2020-06-13

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): I don't had such problem below and now my DSC is not with me (due to lockdown

Reply 00:27 2020-06-14

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): I don't had such problem below and now my DSC is not with me (due to lockdown

Reply 00:32 2020-06-14

Commercial Back Office: Hello, I would like to point out that from one month IREPS e-tender website is not accessible from any part of the world expect than from India. We need to understand what are reason to restrict access to IP based in India.

Reply 13:07 2020-07-06

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Its a problem from governments of india... me too don't know why they are doing this...

Reply 02:11 2021-04-14

ASHOKA AGENCY: Sir,my DSC is expired and renewed a new DSC ,since 2010 we are using the same DSC user,but this time ireps not accepting the DSC and shows that DSC user name and IREPS user name is mismatched, how to solve this problem ,even we sent a request mail to help desk with the required notary document and registration certificate also ,we unable to quote tenders also plz reply

Reply 10:49 2020-07-13

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): These days, there is some problem in ireps website. And such problem can only be resolved by reaching administration of iresps. So you should try to approach them by direct contact from railway

Reply 00:05 2020-07-14

ASHOKA AGENCY: tq for ur suggestion sir, as u said how can i approach them , direct contact from railways means what and how plz ,give any contact details .

Reply 13:43 2020-07-14

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Contact head quater of your railway zone or DRM office. I don't have any such contact

Reply 15:10 2020-07-14

MOHAN V K: I am proprietor of two establishments namely VISHWAKARMA EXPORTERS & IMPORTERS LOTUS INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES in GST Registration page it shows VISHWAKARMA EXPORTERS & IMPORTERS AND LOTUS in Annex A and B of GST it shows VISHWAKARMA EXPORTERS AND LOTUS INDUSTRIAL and on GST dashboard my profile shows VISHWAKARMA EXPORTERS & IMPORTERS AND LOTUS INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES Thus IREPS Registration reject showing MISMATCH back every time when I use second establishment name, or the dashboard profile name Will you please guide me

Reply 12:00 2021-01-19

MOHAN V K: I am proprietor of two establishments namely 1. VISHWAKARMA EXPORTERS & IMPORTERS 2. LOTUS INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES in GST Registration page it shows VISHWAKARMA EXPORTERS & IMPORTERS AND LOTUS in Annex A and B of GST it shows VISHWAKARMA EXPORTERS AND LOTUS INDUSTRIAL and on GST dashboard my profile shows VISHWAKARMA EXPORTERS & IMPORTERS AND LOTUS INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES Thus IREPS Registration reject showing MISMATCH back every time when I use second establishment name, or the dashboard profile name Will you please guide

Reply 12:15 2021-01-19

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Your firm name is note looking fixed as you state above. First of all you need to find out what is you actual firm name. and also, symbol "&" can create problem, used "and" in place of "&" (i am note sure of this symbol replacement, but generally this is the way). Also you should contact to ireps administration for detail, because its fully depend on their system

Reply 21:54 2021-01-27

MOHAN V K: Thank you for your reply

Reply 22:43 2021-01-27

Reavthy: We had renewed the Dsc, At the time of renewal my consultant did the error, and now we are unable to upload the DSC to IREPS Site

Reply 11:25 2022-06-20

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): it will be more easy to re-correct the error on DSC, because railway does not entertain these thing so easily

Reply 16:36 2022-07-14

Sonu: Sir, I am sonu kumar dubey from Asha Enterprises Auction EMD refund regarding my registration request id is - 11714 has been recived by IREPS system CENTRAL RLY selected depot SUR-DIV-STORES. I made the payment (10000) with IREPS ref. no. NR40267253823 dated 20.08.2019 11:49:16 i have not participated in the auction. How to Refund EMD amount.

Reply 11:49 2021-01-29

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Try to contact DRM office account section of your railway zone. More probably you have fill form for date unless it is done automatically

Reply 05:28 2021-01-30

Radesh Patel: Dear Sir, I am interested to tender work with the railway department. Learn more about how to get started. Please register for our registration and you can register for the registration process. Please provide complete information and contact us.

Reply 23:23 2021-03-09

Ravikumar: Can anybody help me to change my dsc. I am trying this since 4 months, but everytime i am getting you request is rejected. If any consultancy can do i am ready to pay the service charges

Reply 11:06 2021-03-29

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Please see this page, this may help you :

Reply 02:18 2021-04-14

V UDAYAKUMAR: V UDAYA KUMAR., LALIRAM DIESEL SPARES-CHENNAI (IREPS ID- 16721) 07-Apr-2021 21:03:35 IST Please click on link (Submit Online Declaration w.r.t. applicability of e-invoicing provisions/Unique IRN/QR code under GST.) below to submit Online Declaration w.r.t. applicability of e-invoicing provisions/Unique IRN/QR code under GST. # Applicable to Submitted/Not Submitted Action 1 Invoices generated on or after 01/10/2020 but before 01/01/2021 Not Submitted Submit Online Declaration w.r.t. applicability of e-invoicing provisions/Unique IRN/QR code under GST. 2 Invoices generated on or after 01/01/2021 but before 01/04/2021 Not Submitted Submit Online Declaration w.r.t. applicability of e-invoicing provisions/Unique IRN/QR code under GST. 3 Invoices generated on or after 01/04/2021 Not Submitted Submit Online Declaration w.r.t. applicability of e-invoicing provisions/Unique IRN/QR code under GST. Details of Declarations submitted earlier w.r.t. applicability of e-invoicing provisions # Description Turnover (Crores of Rs.) Date of Submission Status Action 1 e-Invoice Declaration - Applicable for Invoices generated on or after 01/10/2020 but before 01/01/2021 3.52 10/11/2020 Inactive View offer View Details of Deactivation ------------------------------------. Your Request 1039977 is Pending with Helpdesk. ----------------------------------. Details of Deactivation (IREPS Account ID: 16721) It is intended to change the status of e-Invoice Declaration - Applicable for Invoices generated on or after 01/10/2020 but before 01/01/2021 to Inactive so that fresh Declaration with correct details may be submitted again. Reason for changing the status of Declaration to Inactive Incorrect GSTIN and PAN Remarks NEW GST No: 33AAOPU6683M1ZQ, PAN No: AAOPU6683M Digitally signed by V UDAYA KUMAR. Date 06/04/2021 -------------------------------------. In Stock POs: My bills are pending for want of replacement of OLD GST & PAN with my new GST & PAN already uploaded. Approached help desk but staffs could not understand the issue. Pl help me. I am son of (Retd) SMM/BLW/VNS.

Reply 21:09 2021-04-07

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): contact you respective railway zone directly

Reply 02:15 2021-04-14

V UDAYAKUMAR: OK thanks Sir. Tomorrow will get back to you

Reply 08:40 2021-04-14

Sundar phone 9751180066: Sir i am ireps portal My profile i will update my gst certificate but not for approved. Then rejected. The resion for firm name miss matched last year this firm approved. I don’t know? Where is the resion

Reply 21:54 2021-04-09

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): please try to apply again by taking care of characters to match exactly

Reply 02:13 2021-04-14

Bhuvnesh: Sir, I want to send a message to Concerned dept. Infact, I have bid for a tender but I am L2. BUt L1 has bid for an outdated model and I wish to caution tenderer about the same. How can I? Also, what is Vigilence contact details to comlain about such incidents where some bidders have bid for wrong products.

Reply 15:03 2021-06-11

Admin: I think best way to contact tenderer is to meet at their office. You can find office address from the tender document

Reply 13:06 2021-06-12

LALIT DEBBARMA: Sir, I am Assistant Engineer in PWD (Drinking Water and Sanitation) in Tripura, we call few tenders for the construction if IRP at various location of West Tripura district. For that tender registered agency from IREPS has participated with his IREPS ID 1054646. How can I verify his vendor details like categogy, class, and limit of bidding in rupees

Reply 18:04 2021-06-28

AI ENTERPRISES: Dear sir, My firm name is AI enterprises. this is registered under Samastipur railway junction for bidding for railway auction mostly I take participate in ECR zone but I want to take participate in railway bidding in another zones like central zone, eastern railway zone, south central zone. when I click the enter button the nothing happens on the screen. here's shows a message you are not authorized for this function. plz contact your depot administration or helpdesk for further details.

Reply 13:39 2021-07-19

Liz: Hi! My name is Liz. Your website or a website that your organization hosts is violating the copyright protected images owned by me personally. Take a look at this doc with the links to my images you used at and my earlier publications to get the evidence of my copyrights. Download it right now and check this out for yourself: I really believe you have willfully violated my legal rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damages of up to $130,000 as set forth in Section 504 (c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein. This letter is official notification. I seek the elimination of the infringing materials mentioned above. Please take note as a company, the Dmca demands you, to remove and terminate access to the copyrighted materials upon receipt of this particular notification letter. In case you do not stop the use of the previously mentioned copyrighted materials a lawsuit can be started against you. I do have a good belief that use of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as presumably violating is not permitted by the copyright proprietor, its agent, as well as law. I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this letter is accurate and that I am the copyright proprietor or am permitted to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. Regards, Liz Chu 08/04/2021

Reply 13:09 2021-08-04

Panneerselvam : Address or contact no of IREPS Chennai office.

Reply 15:01 2023-02-17

Younis: Sir. I have recently changed the name of the firm as i am already registered on ireps and even i have changed my gst no as per new firm name. Now kindly suggest me can i participate in new tender either on new dsc or old.

Reply 21:40 2023-04-12

Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Name on DSC and firm name must match spell to spell

Reply 21:09 2024-01-10

PERFECT EXPORTS: how to check l1 l2 l3 in IREPS portal please reply When I click on View Financial Tabulation, nothing opens, please suggest this. thank you

Reply 11:58 2023-09-15

Ravindra Kumar Verma: Sir, we are registered in IREPS, but 22.11.2023 we have received a mail that YOUR USER DEACTIVATED. Sir, we are unable to login in IREPS. Kindly guide us for login. Its very urgent due to our payment hold by the consignee NCR, Allahabad due to non updated turnover.

Reply 12:59 2024-02-07

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