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Fixed Deposit or FD Calculator
RD Calculations Results
For example (default inputs)
Monthy Deposit Amount: 1,000
RD Interest Rate: 7.65%
RD Duration/Tenure: 5 year
Compare Bank: Bank-C
Monthy Deposit Amount: 1,000
RD Interest Rate: 7.65%
RD Duration/Tenure: 5 year
Compare Bank: Bank-C
Results of your RD calculation
RD Maturity Amount = 73,180
Total Interest Amount: 13,180
Total Amount Deposited: 60,000
RD Maturity Amount = 73,180
Total Interest Amount: 13,180
Total Amount Deposited: 60,000
Banks RD Comparision
SN | Compare Banks |
Monthy Deposit Amount |
Interest Rate |
Duration (Tenure) |
Total Deposited Amount |
Total Interest |
Maturity Amount |
1 | Bank-A | 1,000 | 8.00% | 5 year | 60,000 | 13,862 | 73,862 |
2 | Bank-B | 1,000 | 6.25% | 5 year | 60,000 | 10,525 | 70,525 |
3 | Bank-C | 1,000 | 7.65% | 5 year | 60,000 | 13,180 | 73,180 |
Finance: views : 241
FD Calculator
Use this FD calculator for calculating Maturity Value of your fixed deposit schemes. Type fixing amount, its time duration for maturity, interest rate provided by bank/institutions and the frequency of calculation(compounding frequency) of your deposition. This calculator let you very easy comparison between different FD plans and different bank/institution schemes. To compare your FD, just type any name of your FD plan in input named as "compare banks" and click on "calculate maturity amount". As many time you calculate, your calculation will get saved in comparison list. Now,you can easily compare from this list and find out which is best for you.
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2020-04-17 02:42
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Mahesh Nigam(Scientist): Great feature, compare banks and making automatic calculation history is very helpful for comparison for different plans
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