Here is the code to interface 2 serial devices with AVR
There is two method by which we can interface 2 serial devices with AVR microcontroller. One is by polling method and the other is interrupt based. To create baud rate we can use delay method or a timer interrupt method. Copy and paste code to interface 2 serial devices with AVR microcontroller is given below-
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Interfacing 2 serial devices using polling method
//START -set baud rate for 1200bps
unsigned char min_bit_length = 83;
void send_byte(char send_byte){
char i;
//start bit
output_port4 &=~(1<<utx);
for(i=0; i<min_bit_length; i++){_delay_us(10);}//1 bit delay
//1 bit
if(send_byte & 0b00000001){output_port4 |= (1<<utx);} else{output_port4 &=~(1<<utx);}
for(i=0; i<min_bit_length; i++){_delay_us(10);}//1 bit delay
//2 bit
if(send_byte & 0b00000010){output_port4 |= (1<<utx);} else{output_port4 &=~(1<<utx);}
for(i=0; i<min_bit_length; i++){_delay_us(10);}//1 bit delay
//3 bit
if(send_byte & 0b00000100){output_port4 |= (1<<utx);} else{output_port4 &=~(1<<utx);}
for(i=0; i<min_bit_length; i++){_delay_us(10);}//1 bit delay
//4 bit
if(send_byte & 0b00001000){output_port4 |= (1<<utx);} else{output_port4 &=~(1<<utx);}
for(i=0; i<min_bit_length; i++){_delay_us(10);}//1 bit delay
//5 bit
if(send_byte & 0b00010000){output_port4 |= (1<<utx);} else{output_port4 &=~(1<<utx);}
for(i=0; i<min_bit_length; i++){_delay_us(10);}//1 bit delay
//6 bit
if(send_byte & 0b00100000){output_port4 |= (1<<utx);} else{output_port4 &=~(1<<utx);}
for(i=0; i<min_bit_length; i++){_delay_us(10);}//1 bit delay
//7 bit
if(send_byte & 0b01000000){output_port4 |= (1<<utx);} else{output_port4 &=~(1<<utx);}
for(i=0; i<min_bit_length; i++){_delay_us(10);}//1 bit delay
//8 bit
if(send_byte & 0b10000000){output_port4 |= (1<<utx);} else{output_port4 &=~(1<<utx);}
for(i=0; i<min_bit_length; i++){_delay_us(10);}//1 bit delay
//stop bit
output_port4 |= (1<<utx);
for(i=0; i<min_bit_length; i++){_delay_us(10);}//1 bit delay
void send_string(char send_string[]){
unsigned char i=0; & amp; nbsp;   ; ; // iterating variable
unsigned char LENGHT = 0;// length of the word
for(i=0;i<500; i++){
& amp; nbsp; if(send_string[i] == NULL){
& amp; nbsp; break;
& amp; nbsp; }
& amp; nbsp; LENGHT++;
while(i<LENGHT){send_byte(send_s tring[i]);i++;}
#define output_ddr DDRD
#define output_port4 PORTD
//in main()
//initialize this port
output_ddr |= (1<<utx);//as output port
output_port4 |= (1<<utx);//pull up because in idle time uart tx line is high
while(1 ){//main while
send_string("testing transmitter of software uart");// this will send out and you can see it on pc terminal
Above code is made for avr microcontroller and its crystal 12Mhz. for any doubt, ask me in comment below.
Interfacing 2 serial devices using interrupt method
////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////// START SOFTWARE UART /////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// //////////
unsigned char baud_delay_one=216;//this variable are only used for tune baudrate
unsigned char baud_delay_one_and_half=184;//this variable are only used for tune baudrate
char bit_count=0;
char uart_rx_byte=0;
char uart_status=0;
#define idle 0
#define transmitting 1
#define receiving 2
#define received_data_pending 3
#define start_bit 4
void init_timer0(){ //TIMER0 initialize for software uart
TCNT0=baud_delay_one; //1 bit length for 9600bps (104us) at 12Mhz crystal
sei(); // Interrupt Enabled GLOBALLY
ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect) {
unsigned char sreg = SREG;
cli(); // Disable Global interrupt
TCNT0=baud_delay_one; //1 bit length for 9600bps (104us) at 12Mhz crystal
SREG = sreg;
void uart_send_byte(char send_byte){
if(bit_count==0){output_port4 &=~(1<<utx);}
if((bit_count>0) && (bit_count<9)){
if(send_byte & (1<<(bit_count-1))){output_port4 |= (1<<utx);} else{output_port4 &=~(1<<utx);}
if(bit_count==9){output_port4 |= (1<<utx);}
void uart_sent_string(char send_string[]){
unsigned char i=0; // iterating variable
unsigned char LENGHT = 0;// length of the word
for(i=0;i<500; i++){
if(send_string[i] == '